Saturday, March 31, 2012

Our trip to Chicago!

We went out to Chicago for a vacation and conference. While Greg was at the conference meg and Calvin hit the Aquarium and Field museum. We all had a blast! Before we left, we had a great visit with Sara, Alex and Joseph. They were up from North Carolina, and it was really good to see them!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I'm a dinosaur!!!

This year, for Halloween, Calvin was a dinosaur.
He didn't look too ferocious, but was very cute!

All dressed up and ready to head out the door...
We took Calvin to a neighbor's house who had a special goody bag just for him.

At home, we let Calvin sample a couple of his goodies. He didn't quite get the hang of the trick-or-treating part, but he was sure catching on now!

Like taking candy from a baby!

That's my candy, Daddy!

Calvin had a great day, and was exhausted and ready for sleep when bedtime came around.